Pnei System and Menstrual Cycle Disorders


Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. It can be divided into primary, if the woman has never had her menstruation before sixteen years of age, or secondary, in case of interruption of the menstruation for at least six consecutive months in a woman with regular cycles (if the menstruation occurs but there is no spillage of blood due to different natural causes such as the presence of obstacles, for example, obliteration of the vagina, hymen or neck of the uterus, then we are speaking of criptomenorrhea).

Dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, is an alteration of the menstruation, together with general or local disorders and pain, which usually affects the pelvic region and abdomen. Painful menstruation affects approximately 50% of menstruating women and in 10% of the cases it may hinder normal daily activities, forcing the involved women to stay in bed for several hours or days.

The cause of dysmenorrhea is often difficult to be established, due to the high subjectivity of the symptoms, but it can be reduced to the impaired ovarian function or to other alterations of the uterus, or finally to reasons not clearly pathological, of nervous and hormonal origins.

Premenstrual syndrome consists of a complex symptomatology that affects various systems of the female body in the childbearing age, corresponding to the days right before the menstrual period. It is a sort of self-allergic reaction due to excessive production of hormones by the hypophysis in the post-ovulatory and pre-menstrual phase; it brings an excessive workload to the liver, and the relative status of fatigue.

Hyperprolactinemia an increased concentration of the prolactin hormone (PRL) levels. Symptoms such as galactorrhea, amenorrhea and infertility can be observed only if the concentration of PRL is extremely high. Less elevated concentrations are associated with acute stress and polycystic ovary syndrome and are usually asymptomatic. This disease is caused by certain drugs (narcotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants and others), a benign adenoma of the adenohypophysis or hypothyroidism.

Hypophysis adenomas (prolactinomas) amount to more than 30% of the cases: it may be of a relatively considerable volume or very small (respectively, macro-and micro-adenomas) diagnosed only by an X-ray of the the sella turcica (this is the space which houses the hypophysis) of the skull and especially with CT or MRI.

Sometimes hyperprolactinemia is found in men, usually manifested by impotence, but only rarely infertility. The uterine fibromyoma or uterus fibroid, is a cancer of the uterus. The uterine leiomyoma, or more commonly fibroid, is the most common benign tumor of the uterus.

The fibroid is a solid composition, which develops against the smooth muscle of the uterine wall: it can be located inside the uterus (endometrial cavity), in the thickness of its muscular wall (myometrium) or grow outward (perimetrium).

Endometriosis (from “endo”, inside, and “metra”, womb) is a chronic and complex disease, originating from the presence of abnormal tissue that covers the inner wall of the uterus, the endometrium, in other organs such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, peritoneum, vagina, intestines.

This brings internal bleeding, chronic inflammation and scar tissue, adhesions and infertility. Each month, under the effects of the hormones of the menstrual cycle, the endometrial tissue implanted in abnormal site undergoes to bleeding, in the same way in which the endometrium normally occurs in the uterus. This bleeding brings an irritation of the surrounding tissues, which gives the formation of scar tissue and adhesions.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disorder that affects 5-10 percent of the female population. This syndrome, which can be traced all over the world, is the most common hormonal disorder of women in reproductive age. Above all, it is the leading cause of female infertility. The symptoms and seriousness of the disease vary considerably from woman to woman.

The PNEI SYSTEM method is an innovative therapeutic strategy that starts from the healing of the “symptom” for which the patient sees the PNEI System doctor for an intensive therapy in the conventional sense (through the use of both academic conventional therapies and homotoxicology and low dose therapy) which is also associated to other critical aspects of health restoration such as nutrition (alkaline and biological) and physical activity (optimization of posture, a key element for health).

Further more patients are taught simple and innovative strategies to reach boosted emotional states which will allow them to drastically change negative psychological states with beneficial effects on quality of life (emotions, work, profession) together with the belief that it is possible to be healed.
