Pnei and the Environment

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For a few years PNEI has been taking care of the environment’s health. Natural electromagnetic pollution (underground water faults, geopathic networks, radon gas, etc.) and artificial pollution (noise, poor water quality, signals from transmission systems for telecommunications as antennas, repeaters, transmitters, cellular phone, etc.) can have a deep impact on health.

Particularly, headaches, sleep disturbances, fatigue, menstrual disorders, immunosuppression, may be related to chronic exposure to pathogenic environmental noxae.

Building or renovating, according to the green building criteria, means designing and building without defacing the environment. To use materials and installation techniques that guarantee comfort, hygiene and health of the homes and the workplace, adopting systems that reduce energy consumption and pollution, decorating with natural materials free of toxic substances or of petrochemical origin.

Check the building site of the house or workplace; it must be energetically suitable; evaluate any geopathic, electromagnetic or radioactive disturbances.

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The main sources are the power lines, electrical and electro-mechanical devices, systems, transmission systems of telecommunications (antennas, repeaters, transmitters, cell phone, radar, etc..).

Exposure to electromagnetic fields can become evident in altering metabolism and all control systems.

The pathologies involved may be the following:

  • Headaches, irritability and behavioral problems (aggression);
  • sleep disorders;
  • asthenia (loss of vitality and concentration ability),
  • sexual dysfunction, alteration of the menstrual cycle;
  • pressure imbalances;
  • radiodermatitis, eye damage, alteration of the spermatogenesis, increased incidence of leukemia, immunodeficiency, herpes, infectious mononucleosis, chromosomal abnormalities, miscarriages, birth defects.

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The geo-biology studies disturbances coming from underground (faults, groundwater, streams, Hartman nodes, etc …), which interfere with the quality of sleep.

The geopathic disturbance attacks especially the endocrine immune system.

The main symptoms associated with geopathic radiation are: repulsion for the bed, restless sleep and nightmares, repeated interruptions of sleep, tiredness on waking, nausea or vomiting, contractions, cramps, tachycardia, anxiety, depression, headaches, rheumatism, cardiovascular disorders.

The presence of even only one of these symptoms, requires an analysis of the house.

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The noises can create irreversible hearing damage and cause severe neurovegetative dystonia. Noise control is an important prerequisite for health.

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The quality of cooking water is no less important than the water we drink.

The characteristics of the water used in the kitchen have an important impact on health (kidney stones, intestinal disorders, etc.). Bottled water often have an amount of TDS and pH values incompatible with the proper working of biological systems.

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The main sources of indoor pollution can be represented by the building materials, adhesives, paints, coatings, etc…

Formaldehyde, for example, a substance widely used in many industrial processes such as the production of chipboard, plywood, thermal insulation, coatings, textiles, food, cosmetics and tobacco, but also in cleaning products for domestic use, is one of the strongest toxic substance for the respiratory tract and skin.

In places where it is on a 0.1 – 0.2 ppm (parts per million) level, there were found irritation on the eyes, and redness of the oropharyngeal mucosa. The World Health Organization has determined that in environments with a level higher than 0.1 ppm drainage remedies are required.

As far as cigarette smoking is concerned, a recent study has also shown the occurrence of bronchopulmonary cancer in passive smokers, and a bigger incidence of bronchitis, tonsillitis, angina, ear infections.

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Radon is a radioactive gas that has been found in many homes in many regions of Italy.

It comes from the radioactive decay of uranium in the underground and in water and sticks the lungs through the air we breathe. Radon typically moves through the ground and enters homes through microcracks of the walls and foundations.

Each home can have radon problems. All major public health organizations aim at a level control of Radon in each house since large-scale investigations show that they have found a relevant concentration of that gas.

Today it is possible to identify, in a very easy way, the presence of radon through passive detectors , sensitive films to Alfa radiations that pierce when affected by radiations. The number of the holes present on the film, depending on the exposed surface and the exposure period, provides a good indication of Randon concentration in the environment.

The detectors provide reliable indications only when exposed for a period not shorter than one month. People who are mostly subjected to the Randon’s risk are active and passive smokers.

The EPA (U.S. Agency for Environment) defines approximately 132 Bq / mc (Becquerel per cubic meter) the limit beyond which it is advisable to provide reduction techniques of Randon. In Europe, the European Union has determined the threshold of 200 Bq / mc for new construction and 400 Bq / mc for existing houses.

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Designing and building without defacing the surrounding environment. To use materials and implementation techniques that ensure comfort, hygiene and health of the home and the workplace.

To adopt systems that reduce energy consumption and pollution. Decorating with natural materials free of toxic substances or of petrochemical origin.

Check both the building site of the home or of the workplace for it to be energetically suitable, considering the possible geopathic, electromagnetic or radioactive perturbations. Take the suitable strategies for the “drainage” of the home and the workplace.

It is therefore needed:

I. To request an environmental consulting before you buy, build or renovate a building;

II. Shield or protect the living environment from disturbing effects, especially in the presence of diseases or disorders that you are unable to identify the cause.
